Thursday, February 27, 2020

Analysis of China Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Analysis of China Airlines - Essay Example The extent of political multiplicity is not necessarily relevant for understanding the global airline industry, nor is the technological environment as this is relatively homogenous for airlines utilising similar support IT such as e-commerce, on-board entertainment, social media, and software for enterprise resource planning. 1.1 Social Factors The social factors associated with the different target customer segments in the regions serviced by the global airline industry and its competitors is critical to understanding how the business maintains competitive advantages. Each regional culture maintains differing societal views that impact dimensions of service quality, marketing and promotion, and customer relationship management. Customers in Japan maintain distinctly unique cultural values from other Asian nations, scoring high in areas of masculinity as identified by Geert Hofstede. Japanese customers with high masculinity characteristics have significantly high expectations for to p quality service and in product presentation (Hofstede Center 2012). Service failures or product quality occurring on-board will be the most predictable elements of service development with this important revenue-generating market segment. Japanese customers are also recognised as being one of the most risk averse cultures on the planet (Hofstede Center 2012), therefore once a business has managed to establish brand loyalty there is little risk of brand defection (Boone and Kurtz 2007). Customers in China, however, are very hedonistic which was established on the foundation of Confucian-era values (Farh and Cheng 2000). Hedonism involves characteristics of self-indulgence and maximisation of self-utility (Lemos 2004; Overskeid 2002), borne of a collectivist culture where saving face is one of the most top valued social characteristics to achieve group affiliation (Hofstede et al. 2010). This highly collectivist culture demands more attention to achieving excellence in service which translates into a hedonistic measure of self-expansion. Influence from Chinese consumers exert new service quality pressures on labour systems charged with service delivery, thus distinguishing Chinese consumers from that of Japanese high-resource buyers. Social factors continue to impose risks on companies operating in this industry sector, forcing transparency in operations and demanding new emphasis on competency in service delivery. There are global consequences in international markets that have reached market maturity and where airline companies must utilise culturally-sensitive promotions and advertising in order to gain market attention that stresses places more emphasis on culturally-based market research to gain market prominence. 1.2 Economic Factors The fiscal situation in China is relevant for analysis since many airlines in this industry service customers from or to this destination. In 2012, China’s fiscal leadership injected 57.92 billion USD into a strugglin g economy to stabilise interest rates and influence new corporate borrowing (Safe Trading 2013). This has opened new avenues for foreign direct investment and has served to create more favourable exchange rates between Taiwanese currency values and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Companies with Similar Gross Profit Figures and Different Net Assignment - 4

Companies with Similar Gross Profit Figures and Different Net Operating Income - Assignment Example There are four levels of profit and profit margins- gross profit, operating profit, pre-tax profit, and net profit. The term â€Å"margin† can apply to the absolute number for a given profit level and/or the number as a percentage of net sales/revenue. Profit margin analysis uses the percentage calculation to provide a comprehensive measure of a company’s profitability on a historical basis (3-5 years) and in comparison to peer companies and industry benchmarks. Another online resource tells how to calculate operating margin. According to the Allstarsstock online, Key measurement of the financial strength, by Walden, G â€Å"Operating income / total revenue= operating margin.† Hence, from the above references, we can easily abstract the impact of operating margin on the overall operating income of the company. Therefore, two companies having the same gross profit can also have different operating income. Thinking of personal skill as the products and selling them in the market is just like selling your company’s products in the market or sometimes you can purse for new market opportunities. According to the book by Chaudhry, A. The Craft of selling yourself. 2009, â€Å"Job hunting is similar to selling anything. It’s selling of one’s skills, ideas, time, talent, energies, and expertise. It’s like being available for value addition as any other product does; and in return, you get paid in cash and kind.†Ã‚  Therefore, in order to hunt new market opportunities, we have to enhance our skills as well look for the new opportunities created in the market. All we need to take crucial steps towards our career path planning. It is very vital to achieving a certain level in society, which is considered as or you can say most suitable for us while considering our overall qualifications and skills we are having. In order to achieve the target market in terms of new market opportunities in regards to career planning, we should take a look at the latest happenings and current market situation. Therefore, according to the author of the book, managing your Career. 2010,† each one of us has the ability to control the path that our careers take. It requires that we truly self-aware so that we can identify what our own interests and passions are – what will truly make us happy in our career.†Ã‚   I do agree with the statement mentioned above, other than people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. According to the colloquium on tax policy and public break issued by New York University School of Law, Tax deductions for charitable contributions: domestic activities, foreign activities, or none of above, 2011, â€Å"Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and a bevy of other billionaires have pledged to give half of their wealth for charitable purposes.† This statement shows that the topmost billionaires in the United States are giving more than half of their overall wealth for charitable purpo ses. Nevertheless, in most cases, the above statement is quite right.